Format of the Scheme:
Registration: a brewer registers with the BFBi Feed Assurance Scheme, paying an annual fee – to include, in the first year:
~ Pack of generic forms to be completed in order to comply with the Scheme
~ Certificate of Registration, which can be shown as proof of intention to comply with the Scheme
~ One day training in legislation, obligations and duties of a brewer supplying moist co-product feeds to the dairy or meat industry, HACCP, correct completion of audit trail to ensure traceability.
~ Submission of paperwork for assessment to ensure he/she is complying with the Scheme. Upon successful paper audit, a Certificate of Compliance will be issued.
Companies are required to renew to the scheme annually. Each year the company will receive a renewal certificate. Upon successful paper audit, a Certificate of Compliance will be issued. Breweries above 60,000hl are required to undertake an onsite audit.
Members to the scheme will also receive on-going communication from BFBi to ensure up to date documentation and compliance with legislation.
In future years, the brewer will be obliged to attend at least one refresher training day when required or should there be significant changes in legislation/codes of practice.
Any SALSA Plus Beer members can benefit from a joint audit. Contact SALSA on to confirm your BFBi eligibility and request the combined audit.
For further information on the Scheme please contact head office on
A Feeds Assurance Scheme 2025 Application Form is available to download, complete and fax back to BFBi.