Supplying the brewing, food and beverage industry.

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Fachverlag Hans Carl, Nuremberg, stands for worldwide information for the entire brewing and beverage industry.  With its trade journals and specialist books, it is an information service provider and intermediary for the entire industry, serving its customers worldwide in the print sector with books and magazines and online with various websites, newsletters and archives.

Graphic design and publishing company. Drinks industry specialists. Publishers of ‘Brewing & Beverage Industries Business’ quarterly trade magazine, promoting the UK’s drinks production industry’s ‘Supply Chain’. For more information visit: or email

The IBD provides the most widely recognised professional beverage qualifications in the world. Established in 1886, we have built a reputation for trust in the industry due to the high quality and standards of its examinations that are governed and upheld by the independent IBD Examination Board. This is also supported by the quality of its learning material and support for learners.

Since we began professional qualifications in the 1950s, we have qualified over 100,000 brewers and distillers across the globe.

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