Supplying the brewing, food and beverage industry.

Skinner’s speed things up with Paw-some Quick Assembly Packaging


At Saxon Packaging, they share Skinner’s belief that an integral part of future success in the eCommerce and retail industry is sustainable and quick to assemble packaging solutions. So, when Skinner’s approached them requesting a fresh packaging design for their dog treat range, their team immediately put their best (non-furry) foot forward.

A challenge of convenience

Skinner’s were looking to reduce the time their packing teams spent assembling and packing boxes. Saxon’s quick assembly packaging provided the time-saving, cost-cutting, labour-reducing solution they were looking for.

With a focus on sustainability central to their brief, they suggested creating a crash lock base packaging solution using their high-quality and sustainable E Flute corrugated cardboard.

Their unique crash lock base packaging has perforation strips attached, which means the box could be torn open to grant easy access. And with the product remaining visible on retail shelves, it needed to be aesthetically pleasing and practical.

Customer convenience is key

Efficiency and convenience are two huge factors affecting the retail and eCommerce industry; consumers live fast and buy fast. Any time saved through improvements to traditional packaging designs is welcomed by consumers, and retailers are rewarded through increased sales.

Therefore, the client was confident that moving from traditional time-consuming packaging designs to their faster, more efficient solution would be embraced by their loyal customer base.

So in collaboration with the client, they decided to move away from traditional packaging processes and steer the ship towards more innovative SRP (Shelf Ready Packaging) solutions. Shelf ready packaging now dominates the shelf space in many categories. It helps make their packaging easier for customers to identify and quicker for staff to stack on shelves. Plus, it takes up less space, meaning less warehouse storage space is needed and fewer vehicles to transport than other forms of packaging.

Thanks to their bespoke design, they could also incorporate a Crash Lock Base allowing a swift reshape into accessible, faster to assemble and pack solutions.

Save money, save time and protect the planet

In addition to being aesthetically appealing and boasting sustainable credentials, taking the leap from traditional packaging techniques to sustainable SRP quick assembly packaging can result in lower labour costs.

When packing 10,000 quick assembly boxes, compared to 10,000 traditional boxes, a business can save up to 17 hours, equating to a saving of more than 21% in labour costs. Over time this adds up and can significantly improve a business’s bottom line.

Faster assembly times not only benefit the business but consumers too. The faster businesses can get products on shelves, the sooner consumers are able to buy their favourite products. They won’t be faced with empty shelves during their weekly shop, so they won’t have to go without or make a trip to another store just to find an item.

And they call it puppy love

We began working with Skinner’s nearly four years ago, and our relationship has grown from strength to strength. We believe we’re beyond simply being a supplier; we’re proud to be business partners that can help brands make positive changes to their packaging that positively affect the planet.

Ordering 10,000 of each of the three designs was an incredible gesture of confidence in our business relationship. Our Business Development Manager Stuart Haggar and Skinner’s Marketing Director Hiedi Hutchinson continue to work closely to ensure both brands embrace, expand, and evolve their range of packaging solutions.

Do well by doing good

As well as improving efficiency and lowering labour costs, using their sustainable packaging products shows consumers that brands are aware of the ongoing climate crisis and are committed to playing their part in making a change.

As an industry-leading packaging company with more than 30 years of experience, they believe that whatever your packaging predicament/requirement, they can find a sustainable solution to improve your business.

Visit their products page for more information on their sustainable and stylish selection of quick assembly packaging.

If you’re interested in finding out how they can help lower your labour costs, click here. They look forward to hearing from you.

“It was a pleasure to work with Hiedi so closely on this project. Proving again how important it is to work as a team to arrive at a finished product that covers all the bases. Here at Saxon Packaging, we pride ourselves on building those partnerships with our customers that allow us to work closely with them. Taking their ideas from conception through to a finished product. The finished Skinners shelf ready packaging endorses all of the Saxon philosophy above. Thanks again to Hiedi and her team for giving us the opportunity to work with them.” – Stuart Haggar, Business Development Manager at Saxon Packaging. 

Saxon Packaging 

Picture of Makisha Schultz

Makisha Schultz

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