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Report on BFBi Midland Section Golf Day 2022

Darryl Payne being presented with Claret Jug Trophy for Overall Winner

The BFBi Midland Section Golf Day was held at the Branston Golf and Country Club on Thursday 22nd September 2022.

After a breakfast roll and coffee, 13 teams of 4 and 3 teams of 3, took part on a pleasant, but mainly cloudy day. The course was generally in good condition, despite the very dry spells, but the greens were truly excellent this year.

8 teams teed off on the 1st hole and 8 off the 10th in a two tee start, playing in accordance with the Stableford format against 7/8 handicap. The new World Handicap System and Course Slope Rating, introduced since the 2020 event, were also incorporated in determining shots received.

For the first time in the history of the event, a ‘hole in one’ was achieved. This was by Dave Pickering of Envirogen 1 team on the longest par 3, 15th hole. Well done Dave!

Following the 18 holes, the players returned to the main Clubhouse bar or their designated tables in the Pavilion and enjoyed a few well deserved beers. These were followed by a welcome two course meal in the Pavilion, leading up to the prize giving.

The prize winners were as follows:

Individual Winner Overall:                          Darryl Payne

Best Gross Score:                                        Darryl Payne

Individual Winner Division 1:                     Sam Blakemore

Runner-up Division 1:                                 Julian Bryant

Individual Winner Division 2:                     John Blundell

Runner-up Division 2:                                 Darren Debney

Team Winner:                                               Kieselmann UK

Team Runner-up:                                        Envirogen 1

Team Third Place                                        Harry Mason

Nearest Pin 10th Hole:                                 Colin Jeffrey

Nearest Pin (2nd shot) 18th Hole:               Steve Berns

Longest Drive 16th Hole:                             Dan Brown

The overall standard of golf was again very good in good golfing conditions.

The standout performance was by the Overall Winner of the day, Darryl Payne from the Harry Mason Team. Darryl achieved an excellent 42 points off 12 reduced handicap and  returned an excellent gross score of 6 over par 78.

As always, a huge thank you to all teams taking part and a very special thank you to those Teams and their Guests that kindly donated prizes.

Thanks to James Hill at Harry Mason for providing very welcome refreshment in the form of hand-pulled Davenports Gold at the Half Way House.

A particular welcome to Prominent Fluid Controls, on their first time entering the event.

Special thanks to teams sponsoring holes: Lorien/GP Strategies for the first hole, Celli UK/T&J for hole 10 and Bevex for hole 18.

Very special thanks to Midland Section Chairman, Charlie Gorham of Charles Faram, who kindly donated a Claret Jug trophy for the Overall Winner of the day, presented the prizes and proved more than a valuable assistant throughout the day.

As always, thanks to all concerned at Branston Golf and Country Club, especially the efforts made by the golfing staff under Golf Director Simon Joyce and Golf Lodge Manager Helen Robson, plus the Pavilion and main Clubhouse staff. The food was once again excellent and the general hospitality and service throughout the day was again superb.

The ‘provisional’ date for the 2022 event is Thursday 14th September and venue ‘probably’ BG&CC again, but this will be confirmed shortly.

Special thanks as always to Mick Pain, in addition to Liza Lavender of ITS for their help throughout the day and to Pete Lawley for helping check the scorecards.

This year we had extra help, as it was a changeover year! After 18 years of being Golf Organiser, I am passing that responsibility on to Pete Lawley. Pete is well known amongst BFBi members and guests, having spent 2 years as BFBi National Chairman during his time at Murphy and Son. I am sure Pete will do a great job as Golf Organiser. I am confident I have left the Midland Section Golf Day in very good hands.

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone that has supported me during those 18 years.

Dave Munday.                                              26th September 2022.

Picture of Makisha Schultz

Makisha Schultz

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