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How to make NABLAB that tastes great with LalBrew LoNa™ – Lallemand Brewing

Introducing LalBrew LoNa™

Consumer demand for non-alcohol beer and low-alcohol beer (NABLAB) is on the rise. Traditionally, NABLAB beverages were produced with expensive equipment or involved arrested fermentations, both of which resulted in flavor loss and deficiencies compared to full strength beer.

LalBrew® LoNa™ is an ideal maltose-negative yeast strain that allows for easier production of NABLAB styles. This strain will produce very low levels of alcohol with reduced worty off-flavors and a clean aroma profile.

Join Molly Browning and Eric Abbott, Technical Support Managers for Lallemand Brewing, to learn how to optimize your process to brew NABLAB effortlessly using LoNa™ and address food safety concerns for NABLAB styles.


Picture of Susan Gharu

Susan Gharu

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