Always seeking to be innovative, Grundfos constantly strive to find new ways to deliver knowledge to keep information as accessible and relevant as possible. This is why they are now offering a huge variety of platforms so that everyone who has an interest in pump solutions, can choose their preferred avenue.
Take the online Grundfos Ecademy that continues to be committed to delivering on its promise to incorporate a diverse range of themes. This means it covers many subjects across different applications, various pump product families as well as looking at the theory behind the engineering. Plus, all of these lessons, are delivered in handy bite sized chunks.
More recently Grundfos have hosted a wide range of webinars on LinkedIn that will hold appeal for everyone who has any professional interest in pumps. But don’t worry if you missed any of these, because they were recorded and are available for you to watch as and when suits you.
We hope to be back on track with our classroom Pump School classes soon, but in the meantime there are lots of other ways to get access to knowledge. Visit to stay up to date.