Supplying the brewing, food and beverage industry.

New level switches for maximum efficiency

level switches for food processing industries required on very sticky, viscous or abrasive products.

Ask any operator in a food processing plant – some of the smallest parts of the process, like the sensors doing the ‘simplest’ detection and switching, can cause problems, overspills, feed supply run-outs or long hold-ups – especially when they can’t keep up with the demands of modern production and recipe variants.

New VEGAPOINT 24 level switches master the sticky and viscous
Many food products are developed with a distinctive texture in mind, whether they are “melt-in-your-mouth” like some chocolates, grainy like hummus, tough and chewy, super-sticky, satisfyingly crunchy or intensely super-soft and creamy. As a result of producing all these various textures and tastes, it in-turn increases the demands on the level measurement technology necessary for the consistent production of our favourite flavours and foods.

Light up your life
VEGA has developed the new front-flush point level and interface switch VEGAPOINT 24, designed especially for use with challenging switching duties required on very sticky, viscous or abrasive products. Its focus is to provide the greatest possible robustness and reliability in the face of all these diverse ingredients. Even with the strongest build up, you can depend on its effectiveness at detecting the point level, it indicates the process status with a super-bright 360° LED ring, that is easily visible from afar.

Out of the box thinking
Thanks to this robustness, VEGAPOINT 24 is really quick to deploy, as a plug-&-play sensor it can be installed very easily in just a few simple steps. Flexible production systems with frequent and fast product changes really benefit from the fact that it can detect all media utilising the ‘out of the box’ setting, without any adjustment. Users can also take advantage of its extra functions and capabilities with a simple to use, smart phone App-based Bluetooth wireless connectivity, to access and configure settings like liquid/liquid interface detection or ignoring/detecting foam (VEGA Tools App free on iOS or Android). This is also where you can also customise LED colours and/or flashing combinations for process status notifications

Lasts 4 times longer
“With this device, we are specifically targeting the food, beverage and also the pharmaceutical sectors. Here, mixing, conveying and filling are all about efficiency and safety, even with demanding liquids and bulk solids like molasses or homogenised creams,” explains Volker Allgaier, Product Manager at VEGA.
The front-flush design of VEGAPOINT 24 especially ensures its universal application possibilities. “It means that it can even be installed and operate alongside pigging cleaning systems that can pass safely past its flat measuring tip,” Allgaier emphasises, “we made sure the measuring sensor face is more durable too, we tested this and it even copes with abrasive sandblasting.” This is because the ‘wetted’ measuring part in the process is mainly metal in its construction. “Compared to all-plastic measuring tips”, he concludes, “our extensive tests have shown the service life can be extended by a factor of 4.”

Fits like a glove
Another decisive factor is flexibility of use through its versatile process fittings and adaptors. This is a level switch designed to fit in your existing process systems like a glove. This means users can achieve optimum visibility of their processes with the new VEGAPOINT 24 – the relationship between durability, low life-cycle costs, partnered with ease of use and ‘easy to see’ indication, makes it truly ground-breaking for reliable point-level switching.

If you would like to test or try a device for yourself, or just get more information e-mail

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