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Leveraging Enzymes and Process Aids to Improve Brewing Efficiency


In this article, Lallemand Brewing presents a comprehensive table of uses and benefits of enzymes and process aids to help you improve your brewery’s efficiency.

There is no single silver bullet for a brewery to reduce their environmental impact. Rather, it is the optimization of each of the many steps in the brewing process that leads to a greater cumulative effect. Fortunately, optimization efforts usually lead to cost savings as well , giving everyone an added incentive to increase efficiency and reduce waste.

Enzymes and process aids are invaluable tools for optimizing the brewing process. For example, enzymes and process aids can reduce fermentation and maturation time, improve mash extract and lautering times, increase yields, and extend product shelf-life. While these tools are commonly used in larger breweries that are focused on efficiency, it is less common for enzymes and process aids to be used in smaller, craft breweries. This is changing as customers demand greater environmental responsibility, and brewers are under increasing pressure to cut costs and get an edge on the competition.

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Picture of Ruth Evans

Ruth Evans

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