Supplying the brewing, food and beverage industry.

BFBi Members Tour Somerset Cider Solutions


This week, BFBi members were welcomed by Suzanne Hawkins, General Manager and Tom Ebdon, Factory/Commercial Manager to Somerset Cider Solutions.

Established five and a half years ago, Somerset Cider Solutions provides high-quality, and innovative contract packing solutions to the drinks industry,

September is usually an opportunity to take a breather post summer rush but, this year, their production capacity is fully booked through to mid November.

The facility currently accommodates 500 liquids from 170 brands in every drinks category except beer, including cider, spirits, RTDs, cocktails, soft drinks, mixers.

Services other than contract filling and packaging include white label, laboratory analysis, new product development, Package types include kegs; bag in box; bottles.

Laboratory services include:

  • ABV Confirmation
  • Total/Titratable Acidity (TA Malic, TA Citric)
  • SO2 (Free SO2, Total SO2)
  • pH
  • Calories per 100ml & Nutritional Information
  • Specific Gravity & Brix

For anybody looking for new product development services, they can take care of everything from brief through to blending. In particular, their partnership with Orchard Park Farms provides unique access to a wealth of base liquids, giving the tools required to create the perfect cider.

Investment in a new Anton Paar carbonator has brought electricity and CO2 savings of 30%.  Flash pasteurisation and Velcorin dosing has enabled lower energy, sterile production of soft drinks no and low products.

Their business ethos is to provide the best and most value, reducing waste and liquid issues.  With minimum order quantities of 1,000l for spirits and cocktails and 2,000l for cider, their versatile process system delivers at an average wastage of 3-4%.

If you are interested in learning more, please go to their website or contact Tom Ebdon on







Picture of Ruth Evans

Ruth Evans

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