Supplying the brewing, food and beverage industry.

BFBi Feeds Assurance Partners with SALSA Beer+


UK brewers give or sell their brewer’s grains to farm, to feed animals in the human food chain, must meet feed legislation. To ensure you are meeting the requirements and your materials are safe, legal and of an agreed quality standard it’s recommended to use a Feed Assurance Scheme.

The BFBi Feeds Assurance Scheme provides Feed Assurance accreditation for brewers of less than 200,000hl/year.

BFBi has partnered with SALSA Beer+ to create a dual audit that simplifies the process of gaining SALSA plus Beer Certification and Feed Assurance. Brewers can have one audit, to cover both schemes, undertaken by a SALSA auditor, trained to also audit the feed trail thus saving both time and money, whilst ensuring a robust audit of both beer and feed streams.

As well as the features of the SALSA plus Beer Standard this dual audit provides the brewer with validation of the identification and traceability of their feed materials for recall purposes and assurance within the supply chain.

For further details please email
Come see us at Beer X on stand 153

Picture of Makisha Schultz

Makisha Schultz

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