Supplying the brewing, food and beverage industry.

Business preparedness and mitigation plans for CO2 shortages- Survey

Campden BRI - c02

Please disregard this survey if the supply of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) does not affect your business.


CO2 is widely used throughout the food/drink supply chain, from modified atmosphere packaging and preservation, to drinks carbonation, animal stunning, refrigeration, and shipping.


The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have commissioned a project from Campden BRI to research food chain dependencies, including CO2, fertilisers and edible oils. This project will refresh the evidence base held by DEFRA, including preparedness and potential mitigations.


As part of the project’s evidence gathering we would like to invite you, as a Food/Drink Business Operator, to participate in a voluntary stakeholder survey.


The work is part of DEFRA’s medium to long-term plan for delivering a more resilient and secure UK agri-food chain. Various stakeholders from across the UK will be contacted for this voluntary 15–20 minute questionnaire. Your participation and insight will be invaluable to the project aims of refreshing the evidence base.


DEFRA appreciate many of the businesses receiving this survey, especially UK slaughterhouses, will have made significant contributions to CO2 resilience work over recent years. This survey will build on that valuable information already provided.


Many thanks for your time.


Please do not disclose any identifying personal data in this survey, particularly the open text response boxes.


Picture of Makisha Schultz

Makisha Schultz

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